Why Walking on Mustard Seeds?

What does scripture say about faith the size of a mustard seed?

Photo by Michele Marie Weisman

I have never told you the inspiration for my blog’s name. As a writer, I struggle most with titles and headlines, so this blog name took a LONG percolation.

And what does walking on top of mustard seeds accomplish?

Can I first tell you a story about me?

When I was twenty, I planned a trip to Ireland. I had dreams of a summer studying and meeting family. One of those did NOT occur, but the better one did. (This is a story for another time.)

As I planned, I began to trust God in the details.

  • I asked for a raise at work to save money for the vacation. (This was scary to do.)
  • I researched all I could about Ireland and the places I would go. (Would my research be enough? FYI. There were only book stores and libraries at that time for researching.)
  • I wrote, by postal mail, to my relatives the dates I would be in their area. (They did not write back! Oh, what did this mean?)
  • I purchased all the travel things that were suggested and more. (This weighed down my luggage. Ug!)

The year of planning and praying paid off. The trip was a great adventure.

I did not prepare for what would happen when I returned. I became faith-less. I still believed in God, but I was nervous and second-guessing everything.

I was sharing with friends about this loss of faith. One of them asked me if I had heard about the faith of a mustard seed. I had not. She began to tell me that all I ever need is faith equivalent to the size of a mustard seed.

What? How could this be? A mustard seed is so tiny. But this bit of knowledge was all I needed to reignite my faith-walk.

I have heard a million times that faith will avail nothing without acting on it.

Let’s say I land a job interview but don’t show up at the appointed time? No faith walked out equals no job.

What does Scripture say about faith the size of a mustard seed?

Christ is quoted five times in Scripture, referring to having or not having faith the size of a mustard seed. They are:

Matthew 13:31-32

Matthew 17:19-20

Mark 4:30-32

Luke 13:18-19

Luke 17:5-6

Three of these selections are about having a faith that grows and supports something beyond our ability. (Growing trees so larch birds can build their nests in them.) The other two imply that the words of our prayers are fulfilled by the power with which they come. (No, you or me, but by God.)

With those two facts in hand, our little mustard-sized faith will outshine us each and every time, pointing to God and his goodness. And hopefully, a giddiness in us, playing a small part in His plans.

Do you need to step out in faith today? I hope the visual of the mustard seed on my lapel in the top photo helps encourage you!

Our tiny faith planted, or trusted within God, can bring forth a testimony to grow anothers’ faith.

Until next week, keep Walking on Mustard Seeds!

Michele Marie Weisman

Image by Ryan Morrison from Pixabay (less than symbol)

Image by congerdesign from Pixabay  (flowers)

2 thoughts on “Why Walking on Mustard Seeds?”

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