Top Three Devotionals and a Bonus

If you have been reading my devotional reviews, February’s will look different. Here’s the back story.

In the past, when purchasing a devotional to review, if I find that the material is not up to my standards, I do not review it.

What are my standards? Great question!

  1. It has to fit the needs of my audience. (Perhaps not each of you every time, but most of you most of the time.)
  2. I write for both women and men, so I search for devotions for both. When I review a devotional that is for only men or only women, I explain why I chose that one and which it is for.
  3. The devotional needs to be well written.

Do I sound like a literature snob? I hope not! Allow me to explain my expectations of “well written.”

A hand holding up a magnifying glass. Mountain scape in the background is blurred, but through the magnifying glass it is clear, and the mountains are upside down.

Does it remain focused on the promise of the title, subtitle, and book blurb? (What is written on the back cover of the book.)

Does it bring the reader into a deeper relationship with God, Christ, and the Holy Spirit?

If I can say mostly yes to these two criteria, I gladly review them for you because I believe the devotional can bless you.

In the past, if a devotional did not meet these two criteria, I would find another one to supplement my original choice. But this month, I was frustrated.

Why frustrated? It is such a strong word.

I wanted to present a review that you might use for Lent. Yes, Lent is here. Wednesday the 22nd is Ash Wednesday. Can you believe it?!

Some people observe lent from Ash Wednesday through to Easter Sunday. Some give up enjoyable food, entertainment, or technology. Others do not restrict or devote themselves in any extra way. I have attended churches that do all the things and those who did some of them.

Does your church observe Lent in a special way?

I wanted to acknowledge; Jesus was prepared for the cross. And being the body of believers, there are ways we can prepare too.

More about this soon…

But first!

This is a great opportunity to share with you my top three devotionals from past reviews. And a bonus that will fit perfectly for Lent!

1. I still love my Father’s Day suggestion of Everyday Grace for Men. It got my husband into reading a devotional, and you can read all about it from him!

2. Conversations with Teens is amazing for the teenage crowd, and I learned from it too.

3. Still standing strong is Want a beach experience? Who does not love the beach? This devotional brought me to the shoreline with deep and beautiful perspectives.

Bonus! Nobody Left Out is a top devotional I reviewed for you, and it is for 40 days!

Where is the devotional review for February? Worry not, and read on!

Woman sitting in a chair, with her back to you. She is holding a bible that is open to the book of Proverbs.




AKA The Book of Wisdom


Credit for writing the book of Proverbs goes to these three men:

Solomon wrote most of the book, who was the son of King David.

Agur* is credited with writing chapter 30 specifically.

King Lemuel wrote chapter 31.


This will depend upon your copy of the Bible.

Where I found this book and why I selected it

This book is located in my house and in my heart. I selected it due to wanting to provide a solid, time-tested devotional.

What did I love about it?

The book of Proverbs never outgrows you. It is appropriate reading for every stage in life. It provides wise counsel about finances, work, time, marriage, family, how to be a child, how to be a young adult, how to age, and how to interact with Wisdom.

What I didn’t like about it.

Sometimes I don’t want to hear that I have been acting wrong or being tempted. Who wants to be called into doing wrong? But Proverbs one verse thirty-three says, it is better to live in the safety of these wise words than to run into the harm waiting for me if I do not.

Who would want it?

Anyone who wants wisdom in their career, childhood, adulthood, parenting, marriage, etc.

Who would not want it?

That person would not be reading this blog. 😊

Did it bear fruit?

Yes, every time I sit and read Proverbs, I am convicted, confirmed, blessed, or taught something.

I hope you have enjoyed this review.

Your Turn

What is a Proverb you love? Please share it in the comments. 😊

Until next week, keep Walking on Mustard Seeds,

Michele Marie Weisman

* Who Wrote the Book of Proverbs? (

Photo by Khara Woods on Unsplash (back story – building wall)

Photo by Kirill Pershin on Unsplash (mountains)

Photo by Joel Muniz on Unsplash (proverbs)