
My Kickstarter is now live, for a limited time.

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A Devotional: Two or Three For Our City by Michele Marie Weisman — Kickstarter

I opened my bible this morning, before hitting the, make live button. The emotions have been raw and like a rollercoaster. I don’t like rollercoasters. But for God, I have to be willing to take the next steps.

Have you ever felt that way? Maybe sending your child off to college, or making a career change? These are things that have to occur, but willingness does not equal comfort.

Then my eyes found a verse in Proverbs. I picked up my English Standard Version. Chapter fourteen verse four says, “Where there are no oxen, the manger is clean, but abundant crops come by the strength of the ox.”

Maybe I have been watching too much of The Incredible Dr. Pol, a veterinarian, but it gave me a helpful visual. There is a lot of muck in a pin or the barn. But they are producing something good for the land and their owner.

The ox also needs some tending to, as I have seen from the show. So while I grapple with the discomfort of the publishing world, I will also find ways to tend to the mess of the emotions it tosses around.

I am thankful that God said to me, to produce a crop, I’m going to get messy.

Don’t forget to check out my Kickstarter
