Is Christ-like Compassion Possible?

A tornado hit our City last week and we were grateful survivors. After speaking with neighbors, it hit me why Christ cried about his friend Lazarus’s death.

Text: Prepare the way for California, Walking on Mustard Seeds logo, map out line of USA with city lights in the back ground.

A tornado hit our City last week and we were grateful survivors. After speaking with neighbors, it hit me why Christ cried about his friend Lazarus’s death. He would bring his friend back to life, so why did he cry? Was he sad as anyone would because a friend died? Probably. But Jesus never stopped ministering to the people in front of him.

Who was with him? Lazarus’s sisters were and they were filled with emotion about the death of their brother. Jesus’s tears were likely a release of their pain that they could not express. It was a loving compassion pouring out of Christ to the women.

When I spoke with a couple of my neighbors after the event, as they talked about their experience, tears gathered in my eyes, and when I spoke of my experience, their eyes filled with tears. It was stunning to realize that I was expressing what my friend could not and vice versa.

The event was far too much for anyone to process on their own, but together, we could begin to help each other mourn and release the terror and fear of the tornadic moment.

In learning to pray for people in my City, my compassion has grown for them. There are ways I care about my neighbors that were not natural to me, even as a Christian.

When Christ was about to minister to Lazarus by raising him from the dead, His tears ministered to the women’s broken hearts. You too can have Christ-like compassion for your City.

My manuscript is almost complete and I am excited to get Two or Three For Our City into the hands of Christians in every state. To do this I am praying over each state. I would love for you to join me. This week we prayed for California. Please follow the channel so you don’t miss a prayer.

Signature line, Keep Waling on Mustard Seeds, Michele

4 thoughts on “Is Christ-like Compassion Possible?”

  1. Great podcast, Michele! You are so good at finding God’s silver lining behind the enemy’s cloud, physically and spiritually. I am so grateful that you and your family and your neighbors came through the tornado without personal injury. I hope those in the rest of your city fared as well. Cars and houses and fences can be replaced; loved ones cannot.

    1. So true, Sally. We were so surprised that no one lost their life in this, not a single soul and some homes were destroyed. Thank you for your encouragement, it always does me well!

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