An old-fashioned pocket watch swinging side to side a galaxy of stars in the background.

“TO EVERYTHING there is…a time for every matter or purpose under heaven.” (Ecclesiastes 3:1, AMPC)

You have a purpose in this moment, this very time that is ticking with the clock. I thank you for using this time to read my post. There are reports saying we are consumed by social media and news outlets.

If you are like me, after catching up on news, the updates can run through my mind while I go on with my day. That is not good.

No one needs the plague of modern news to bat around. God would rather we be about our purpose than trying to wrestle out the times.

Let’s figure out how to be in step with God’s plan for time.

I think it starts with thanking Him FOR time.

It goes something like this while walking my dogs in the morning, I say, “Thank you, God, for time to walk my dogs.” When I am driving into town to run errands, I say, “Thank you God for time to shop.” While researching curriculum for my youngest’s freshman year of high school, I say, “Thank you Lord for time to gather information.”

At these times, when my thoughts regularly turn to to-do lists, worry about the economy, and any number of other thoughts, I can thank God for the joy and gift of time.

Without time, we can do nothing.

As we turn our hearts to pray for our City this week, we can thank God for the time he has provided to pray and serve where we live. I am sure your town has slogans to buy local. Local farmers, local crafters, and local shops. I believe in praying local.

Pray for the farmer, the artists, the entrepreneurs. The farmer needs time to prep their land and for their crop to grow. The crafter needs time to design and make their art. And the shop owners need open hours and time to shop for products or services provided.

Time is precious to you and your neighbor. As schools start back up and summer vacations are in the past, may we each keep focused on how precious each moment is. Thanking the Lord for it on behalf of our fellow citizens too!

Keep Walking on Mustard Seeds,

Michele Marie Weisman




P.S. Have you Checked out Deana Farrell’s new book, You’re a Beautiful MESSterpiece: A Guide to Prioritizing the God-Given Dream You’ve Been Entrusted to Pursue & Share? If you have been thinking about that God-size dream inside of you, I HIGHLY suggest it!

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay