10 Abilities You Have

If you listen closely to the news reports, they are yelling, “Victim!”

Victim of inflation, war, hate, and disease.

If no one has told you lately, you are not a victim, you are able. But, better than me telling you, let’s see what God says about you being able.

  • You are able to withstand waiting. (Isaiah 43:2)
  • You are able to endure a long night. (Psalm 30:5)
  • You are able to enjoy God’s love. (1 John 4:8, Matthew 22:37)
  • You are able to make wise decisions. (James 1:5)
  • You are able to walk through hardships. (Romans 8:35-39, Matthew 11:28)
  • You are able to create. (Exodus 35:35)
  • You are able to finish what you have started. (Isaiah 40:31)
  • You are able to grow strong friendships. (Colossians 3:13-15)
  • You are able to pray. (1 Thessalonians 5:17)
  • You are able to hear God. (John 10:27)

I hope this list of your abilites encourages and strengthens you today.

Do you have a favorite able, perhaps one I have not mentioned? Please share in the comments. I would love to hear.

Until next week, keep Walking on Mustard Seeds,

Michele Marie Weisman

Images by Николай Начев  and Khalid Mehmood from Pixabay 

9 things fear steals and how you can recover them.

fruit of the Spirit
Image by press 👍 and ⭐ from Pixabay

This week, I realized fear was stealing some important promises in my life.

If you want to skip down to the bottom of this post, to pray the prayer I used to regain the nine promises, go for it. If you would like to ponder the thinking process that brought on this reflective prayer, then read on. 😊

I hope you want to know what fear is stealing from you. But more so, I offer you a way back to what the megaphone of fear has stolen. The news, adverting, and the social media epidemic of comparisons echo anxiety into the chambers of the human heart.

Why reclaiming what fear steals stollen is important? (Because there are 4 chambers of the heart, I will list 4 reasons to turn your back on fear.)

1. Fear is not healthy for our body.

2. Fear is exhausting.

3. Fear brings out the worst in people.

4. Fear is not from God. (1 John 4:18)

Fears that most are experiencing within the past two years:

Fear of war.

Fear of Covid-19.

Fear of inflation.

Commonly known fears:

Fear of public speaking.

Fear of large groups.

Fear of heights.

Fear of spiders.

Fear of small spaces.

Fear of dogs.

Fear of cats…yes this is true. I had a neighbor once who was terrified of cats.

Lesser-known fears.

Fear of certain foods.

Fear of colors.

Fear of holidays.

Fear of emotions.

(Some of the fears listed do require medical help. I am not addressing panic attacks or anything that requires medical treatment.)

I am looking at fear from the perspective of what it steals.

The fruit of the Spirit.

In Galatians chapter five, there is a list of nine things, known as the fruit of the Spirit. They are:










I am often caught short when I realize I have not had self-control or patience or missed an opportunity to show goodness to someone.

Have you ever found yourself lacking in one of these? If you are feeling brave, please share in the comments.

fruit of the Spirit
Image by Vinson Tan ( 楊 祖 武 ) from Pixabay

When I live with a heart fully in awe and fear of not pleasing God, the four chambers of my heart seem to relax and be righted within me.


I am sorry my fears have kept me from:

loving others better,

having joy from my days,

peace in my thoughts,

 opportunities to be patient and kind toward others,

being good and faithful to others,

and I am sorry that fear produces a lack of self-control in areas where I am weakest.


Are you leaving this one thing out of your diet?

Are you leaving this one thing out of your diet?
Image by Werner Heiber from Pixabay 

From the fruit of a man’s mouth his stomach is satisfied; he is satisfied by the yield of his lips. Proverbs 18:20 ESV


Junk food is so tempting, like speaking bad news rather than good. Help us see the difference. Call our attention to it. Remind us before we partake.

Eating healthy food day after day will keep us going strong, as will beneficial words. Help us walk out this promise for a full and satisfying life.

Jesus is our best example of speaking the truth with hope.

News and social media shout negative stories, let us not be merely repeaters. Educated, yes. But help our thoughts dwell on higher things.

Anxious views can come … and go. We offer these worries to you … in exchange for your promised peace. (John 14:27)



How do you fill yourself with good fruit from your mouth? Honestly, I choose to not talk at times. How ’bout you?

Until next week, keep Walking on Mustard Seeds!

Michele Marie Weisman

PS Drawing for the March devotional is happening soon! A Mustard Seed Faith will be at its new home shortly! I will announce the winner next week. 🙂

Scripture quotations are from The ESV® Bible (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®), copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

What choices lead away from God?

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

…carefully reading the map of your Word. I’m single-minded in pursuit of you; don’t let me miss the road signs you’ve posted. Psalms 119:9-10 The Message Bible

I am embarrassed to say, I found myself driving in the wrong direction on a
one-way road. As cars drove toward me, I had to remain calm and pull off to the
side until I could safely turn around and get back on track.

This could have been a deadly mistake. There were clear signs that I was
about to drive the wrong way, but I was too focused on my map app to see the

If we are not focused on God’s heart and what he has told us in his
Word, we are entering a danger zone.

What’s your first sign that you are going in the wrong direction? Perhaps it
is the beginning of a tummy or head ache. Or a discussion with yourself that you are an
adult and have a right to make a particular choice. And then there is the, I am
going to have to hide this from….

But Christianity 101 tells us that nothing is hidden from God. He sees every
hidden thing and will bring it to light. Our hearts become a jagged
mess when we try to go it our own way using our wants as navigation.

So, if you are feeling off and squirming in your seat like I was when faced
with oncoming traffic, sit with God and apologize. He knows it all anyway. And
then open his Word, because only he can sort the matters of the heart.

This is hard stuff to look at and unpack. But we must.


We are in the Lenten Season, a time of recalling how Christ died for us
before resurrecting and ascending into heaven. A tough look at misdirection leads us into the right direction, a humble heart before God and man.


Thank you for sorting through our heart and revealing wrong turns. We can place our regret, embarrassment, and shame at the foot of the cross. And with
bended knee, submit our hearts to thee.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Until next week, keep Walking on Mustard Seeds!

Michele Marie Weisman

PS Does this post remind you of any bible verses? Please share in the comments

Scripture quotations marked MSG are taken from THE MESSAGE, copyright © 1993, 2002, 2018 by Eugene H. Peterson. Used by permission of NavPress, represented by Tyndale House Publishers. All rights reserved.

Where to nest your heart.

Image by Jill Wellington from Pixabay 

The birds of the sky nest by the waters; they sing among the branches. Psalm 104:12 NIV

No matter what the news brings, good or bad, God’s creation reveals His hand upon each of our lives. We can not help but be affected by the news but we are also affected by nature around us. If you are seeing good today, rejoice! If you are facing hard times today, I can almost guarantee reading the 35 verses of Psalm 104 will replenish your heart.

The light and beautiful creature, the bird, delights and calls out to us, “My maker is the King, giving me fresh water, clean air, and a myriad of twigs to set upon.”

What can you see today that the Lord has provided for you? Perhaps a person to love, a place to call home, and cupboards that are not bare?


Thank you for the beautifully complex gift of your creation lifting our spirits and charming our senses.



What in nature ministers to you the most? Share in the comments.

Until next week, keep Walking On Mustard Seeds!

Michele Marie Weisman

PS You still have time (until March 31st) to share my blog with a friend to win the March devotional I reviewed. Here are the details: If you live in the contiguous United States, keep reading.

Tell a friend about www.WalkingOnMustardSeeds.com ! It is that easy.

You can share my page on your social media, or share in a conversation with a friend. I believe in the honor system.  This will enter you, for the chance to have mailed to you A Mustard Seed FAITH.

PLEASE comment on this post or email me to say, “I have shared about, www.WalkingOnMustardSeeds.com with a friend!”

Scripture quotations marked (NIV) are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide. www.zondervan.comThe “NIV” and “New International Version” are trademarks registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office by Biblica, Inc.™

You hear us Lord

Pixabay janeke88

Hear my prayer, Lord; listen to my cry for mercy. ‭‭Psalms‬ ‭86:6‬ ‭NIV‬‬

Often, my daughters have to repeat what they have said to me. 

Yes, we are in the same room. They are speaking clearly…but my hearing is not what it was one. 

So I ask them to speak louder or I get closer to them as they repeat their thought. 

Thankfully, we don’t have to repeat ourselves to God. He can hear us anywhere at any time. 

We can’t see him and yet we trust and know that he hears us clearly. Our intentions, our heart, and our words.

Were you also in prayer today for the people in Ukraine? I gathered my girls and prayed. 

I am grateful my words in prayer don’t have to be heard by all. They are for an audience of one, even when we pray with others. 

Can we pray together for the people in the Ukraine? 


We ask for peace and protection for the men, women, and children in the Ukraine. Send your angels to protect when protection is needed and provide wisdom when a way out or through is called for.

In Jesus name, Amen. 

Please add your own prayer in the comments. I would love to pray with you.

Scripture quotations marked (NIV) are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide. www.zondervan.comThe “NIV” and “New International Version” are trademarks registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office by Biblica, Inc.™

How to be kind, and why you want to.

Have you ever played, “Guess how many candies are in the jar?” Or something similar.

I never win these games. Ever! So a hearty congratulations from me to you if you have.

Here is my calculated attempt, every time.

I visually add up the item pressed up against a quarter of the jar. I take that number and multiply it by three to account for the remaining three-quarters of the jar. Then I add a guestimate for the center bundle hidden from view, by the other candies filling the jar.

Every time I fail.

There is another instance when I fail.

Psalm 145:8 says “God is full of love”. (ICB)

Who is his unfailing love for? His creation. You, me, your pets. The Psalm claims God’s love is for all God has created.

Why is it difficult to know the fullness of God’s love? Or am I the only one coming up short of this understanding like counting how many items are in the jar?

As clearly as getting the wrong answer for how many treats are in the jar, we can tell when we are living without the knowledge of God’s love for us. Colossians 3:12-14

When we are not:







Photo by Michele Marie Weisman


Help me to better know your unending, all-encompassing love. I can not fully understand it, just like I am unable to know how many items are in the jar.

But I know that Christ was filled with compassion, kindness, was humble, gentle, patient, and forgave when he died on a cross over 2,000 years ago.

Your fullness of love, given for your creation. Us.


What starts a ministry? Know-how or knowing God?


I am excited to introduce the very first ministry interview on Walking On Mustard Seeds.

I met Pastor Tamera Kraft, virtually, at a Writing Summit at the end of 2021. She offered to interview for me and I have been looking forward to sharing her ministry testimony with you.

WOMS will stand for Walking on Mustard Seeds, and PTK will stand for Pastor Tamera Kraft.


I would like to introduce you to Pastor Tamera Kraft, Children’s Ministry Consultant and Revivalist. 

After pastoring for 20 years, in 2007, she created Revival Fire for Kids, a ministry to equip children’s pastors and local churches and lead children into the presence of God. She also provides curriculum that teaches children on a deeper level than most children’s church curriculum.

Pastor Tamera Kraft’s blog, Revival Fire 4 Kids, has been awarded top 40 for a children’s ministry blog. I have popped onto her website and enjoyed reading some great tips.

Welcome to Walking on Mustard Seeds, Pastor Tamera. Thank you for volunteering to be interviewed. 

Tell us about your ministry, Revival Fire for Kids, and its curriculum. 


Revival Fire for Kids is a ministry that equips children’s pastors, leaders, and churches to facilitate children entering the presence of God. Many times, churches, children’s pastors, and leaders are confused about where to go or how to do that, so we fill that void.

As far as the curriculum, I have found that most curriculum nowadays is a one size fits all type thing. It’s more or less behavior modification. 

By that, I mean that the curriculum that is out there is teaching kids how to be good with biblical values. They do that so it will fit in any church in any denomination no matter what they believe. Very light on doctrines and very light on biblical stances and very light on the relationship we have with Christ and entering into His presence. 

Our curriculum is basically meant for Pentecostal churches but can be used for any evangelical or charismatic church. It is not behavior modification, although it does have life applications. It’s not as much about learning to be good as is about learning who God is and developing a relationship with Him.

I wrote curriculum because I found many years ago when I was pastoring children, the curriculum didn’t fit what I was doing, and I had to rewrite it anyway. So I just started writing my own.


That is a fascinating observation about training children to be good, rather than entering into a relationship. So you made this observation, and you took action. 

Can you tell me a little bit more about the birth of the idea for this ministry?


I was a children’s pastor for 20 years, so I was on staff at two different churches. During that time, I’ve experienced just about every challenge there is for children’s ministry. A lot of different things happened. I found I was on the cutting edge. Not on purpose, but because God was leading me, and I was going with the flow of the Holy Spirit.

My children’s ministry was effective most of the time, but a lot of attacks came. Because of this, I’ve experienced how to deal with difficult situations.

When God released me from being a children’s pastor, He birthed into my heart equipping other children’s pastors. I also had children’s revivals where I could assist pastors and lead their students into the presence of God in a way that they might not be able to do with their resources on a week-by-week basis. So that was my birthing of the idea.


Wow, that’s beautiful. I remember being at a church service and the pastor did an altar call and it was mostly children that came up to the front. This is a beautiful gift you’re giving to the church community and the future. Did this seem like a big stretch for you, that God was stretching you in this process?


Well, in a way, it wasn’t a big stretch because I’d already taught at a few national conferences. I’d already led some kid’s crusades in other churches. And I’ve also had children’s church curriculum published by Pathway Press, another publishing house.

So as far as how to do it, I flowed right into it. The biggest challenge I had was not being hands-on in a children’s ministry every week. I was no longer planning Children’s Services weekly and dealing with other teachers. I wasn’t planning larger events like the Christmas program. And I wasn’t running a church ministry.

It was a big adjustment because that was my biggest stretch, learning how to not do everything.


Wow, that’s important. Once you started this journey, was doubt anywhere in this process that you could speak to?


I’m probably a little different than most people because I was in ministry for so long before, and had dealt with different things, that I was excited about starting this ministry. I believed that it will expand.

Probably my biggest problem was discouragement when it didn’t grow as fast as I thought it would. But as far as fear and doubt I’d already dealt with my fear and doubt in children’s ministry years before that. So it worked out well.


So you were coming from a place of confidence, in creating and presenting this material. My next question might be unnecessary.

Did your ministry seem like the next right step?


It was definitely the next step. Before I even started marketing it, a couple of churches reached out to me and asked me to do some of their teacher training. So definitely, it was the next step.


You were getting affirmed on the journey. 

Was this idea born while you were still pastoring in the churches?


I had resigned as the children’s pastor of my last church where I was hired, and my husband and I started attending a different church. We did leave on good terms, so we felt God was drawing us away. So that’s what we did.

I wasn’t sure what I was going to do. I assumed I was going to become a children’s pastor at another church. And so we were just going to this church in the interim until we knew where to go next. 

The pastor of our new church offered me the children’s pastor job but I couldn’t take it. I felt the Lord strongly telling me, “no, you cannot do this“. And it surprised me. I was like, What do you mean? In the beginning, it seemed like God blocked me from being involved in ministry inside a church. After a while, I returned to ministering inside the church where I was attending in a variety of ways. But I was never in full-time ministry like I had been before. 

I believe God needed to remove me from that for a while because I would have stepped right back into it. I would not have had time to birth this new ministry. It was a little bit of a surprise. God removing me so that this could be birthed.


That is just such a great story of obedience. Sometimes it’s easier to believe the step of obedience is to grow something new rather than staying true to something for a period of time. That is the comfortable, the norm, and the known.

What were the roadblocks you had to work through?


My biggest roadblock was getting the word out that I was available. I didn’t market the same way when I was part of a church ministry. Marketing to new churches was a little bit of a roadblock that I had to learn to handle.

Also, the initial costs were pretty high. Upfront costs, I had to purchase for staging the revivals, before I had the ministry up and running and before people were donating to it. So that was a challenge.


Understandable. Was there anything about creating your curriculum that was a learning curve?


I pretty much knew what I had to do. When I was a kid, all of my growing up life, I planned to be a writer. I majored in English and had every intention of fulfilling that goal. And then God called me to children’s ministry.

I put the writing aside for the time because I didn’t have time to do both. Writing the curriculum, I used the writing in the ministry so I always felt like teaching and doing ministry was an extension of writing. 

Except, writing is more of a solitary endeavor, and doing ministry is a more extroverted activity. I love writing. But I’m also an extrovert and I love being around people. 

The ministry fills that extrovert need within me, but the writing and the teaching are such a part of me. It’s really kind of hard to separate them because, even when I was doing ministry full time, the writing just flowed out of that.


I love that.

So did you at any part of this run from or question God in your process of creating Revival Fire for Kids?


I didn’t run from it, but He confused me. God had told me to quit being a children’s pastor, but I wasn’t sure what the next step was right away. And I even questioned if God was done with me being in ministry.

It was almost a year before I understood the direction I was supposed to go. During that time, I did a lot of writing since I hadn’t had much time for writing when I was a children’s pastor, and step-by-step it finally fit together. Then I got the big picture, which is a little different than I normally do. Normally I have the big picture and then go about implementing it, but in this case, it came the other way around.


Wow, this was such a great testimony. So I don’t know about you, but I think sometimes stepping out into God’s call is wondering if people are going to question your motives or your qualifications.

Did you experience anybody actually speaking negatively or questioning why you were starting Revival Fire for Kids?


When it came to Revival Fire for Kids, I was fortunate because I only received encouragement. But before Revival Fire for Kids, when I was a children’s pastor, that’s when I received a number of people speaking negatively, outright attacking me, or lying about things when I was in church ministry.

That was difficult at the time. But I believe that God had me in a spiritual boot camp because that’s the reason why I’m able to minister to other children’s pastors. I understand what they are going through. But as far as this ministry, it’s a refreshing change.


I love your spiritual boot camp perspective.

What is then the biggest reward of your ministry?


The biggest reward of my ministry is seeing children saved, changed, have a relationship with God, come into the presence of the Holy Spirit, and see the presence of God in them and such a strong way.

I also love watching the paradigm shift that happens in some children’s pastors when they see their ministry in a whole new way. I also love bringing healing to children’s pastors who have been mistreated and hurt by people in their churches, and sometimes by the leaders in their churches.


What is the hardest part of your ministry?


Money is a concern but basically, the hardest part is getting the word out there. Marketing is always difficult, but now that COVID has hit, churches are afraid of bringing someone in from the outside so it’s getting a lot harder. 

I’m currently considering having a children’s pastors coaching and mentoring program on Zoom to fill the void. Children’s pastors and leaders could subscribe monthly on two levels. And it would be for churches and for individuals.

Level one would be a training session on Zoom every month, where they get free materials and discounts on the curriculum.

Level two would include a teacher training/mentoring session online and they could have access to me for individual sessions where they could call me or get on zoom with just one on one and also a yearly retreat. With the church memberships instead of the individual ones. Children’s pastors could have their entire team attend the Zoom sessions instead of having to plan teacher training. And of course, I’m still available to come live to any church.


Those sound like some great ideas and are on par with the way we’re all living globally.

So that leads into my next question, what is a prayer need that we could be praying for your ministry?


Money is a big one. Since COVID, our funds have shrunk, but we still have expenses even though we’re not traveling to churches as much. 

We still have to maintain a website domain name, the store, things like that. There is a Paypal donation button on my website if anyone would like to help. http://revivalfire4kids.net

Another request is to pray for this subscription ministry that I’ll be starting soon. I’m hoping to get it up and running by March. Maybe a little later than that.


Definitely worthwhile prayers for your ministry.

Could you give an encouraging word to my readers? I believe that God puts on people’s hearts to minister to others, whether it’s to a neighbor, to start a local ministry, or to start something that would go larger than their city.

He asks things of us individually, and I think a lot of us shy away from that. It intimidates us or we feel like we aren’t qualified. Can you give an encouraging word to someone who’s reading the blog today about hearing from God to start a ministry that they have doubts or questions about it?


I can tell them that if they have doubts, questions, and fears, and the ministry is larger than they can handle, that’s a good thing. If it’s something we can handle on our own, we have a tendency not to rely on God. God will always give us something to do that is bigger than we are so that He will interject Himself.

The second thing I always tell people in my teacher training is that successful ministry is easy when you know the first three steps.

When I started in children’s ministry, I knew very little. I did these three steps over and over, and it ended up making my children’s ministry effective.

These three steps are always successful.

Step one: Pray and ask God what to do next.

Step two: Do what God says. 

Step three:  Repeat. 

Even if you don’t know what to do, you can trust God to at least tell you what the next step is.  He is the one who called you. He is the one who will equip you.


Oh, that’s beautiful. Tamera, I love that so much. Is there anything else you would like to share about your ministry? I don’t want to leave anything unsaid. Is there anything coming to your heart or mind that you would like to share?


For those who are starting ministries out there, I would just like to say that sometimes God’s timing, and the way God does things, is completely different than what we expect. We can trust that He will lead us and guide us on the right path, even if it doesn’t look like it at the time. We don’t have to force the issue or try to make it happen. 

If the ministry is from God, He will make it happen in His time frame. 

That takes a lot of pressure off. A lot of times we think we’re supposed to make something happen, and God is the only one who makes things happen. 

God showed me some things that were going to happen in ministry, early on when I was a children’s pastor, that I felt like I had to make happen. When I surrendered those to Him, one reason why I was so upset about not being a children’s pastor anymore, was because those things had never happened, really huge things that I felt like God was telling me to do. But this ministry that He drew me into is how God brought those things about. It’s like God could not fulfill it when I was only in one church. He had to launch me out. I didn’t see the whole picture, and I didn’t see how He was going to do it. Sometimes that can cause us stress. If we forget that God will do the things He plans on His timetable, then we don’t have to fret about it.


That’s beautiful. Tamera I know that your words are ministering to me. And I’m trusting the Lord that your words are going to minister to those who read my blog. This is such a great testimony. So many different points of faith and trust.

Thank you so much for taking the time to share this with me. And I look forward to what you’re doing for God’s youngest.

Below, you can find out more about Pastor Tamera Kraft and her ministry, Revivial Fire For Kids, Inc.

Email: [email protected]

Building Foundations Curriculum: https://www.mtzionridgepress.com/revival-fire-for-kids-children-s-mi

Website: http://revivalfire4kids.net

Newsletter:  http://eepurl.com/dfsxq9

The Fruitful Place

Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in me. John 15:4 ESV

Last February, freezing temperatures brought snow and ice covering parts of Texas. We lost power and water for several days. Our home runs only on electricity, was not a safe haven for us.

The upstairs fell to 38 degrees one night.

My husband and children gathered tree branches and wood from our property. He used an old metal garbage can to burn a fire for us.

We stood close to the fire’s warmth, for as long as we could. The heat was a temporary rest from the work we needed to do over the fire.

Gather snow and icicles to melt.

Look through the fridge and cupboards to discover a meal I could cook in a pot.

Boil clean water to make hot cocoa for the girls.

Jesus tells us he is closer to us and we are closer to him than that fire was. As odd as it may sound, if we know him, love him, and devote our lives to him, he is in us and we are in him.

This news is 1,000 times better than having to return to the fire pit for warmth, comfort, and provision.

Jesus is available to us all day every day. His availability is right where we are if we choose him.

Because he is the way to peace, hope, love, joy, and eternity.

During the storm, the nights were the worst. Going to bed as the sun went down, clothed in my warmest winter gear, laying in my sleeping bag, covered in extra blankets on our bed, I knew the same survival mindset would be needed for the next day.

Was I afraid? Yes.

But I also had moments of peace, hope, love, and joy, knowing who has me eternally.

I am his and he is mine.


Would you share a tough time Jesus got you through? What an encouragement it would be!

“Scripture quotations are from The ESV® Bible (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®), copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.”

Three ways to flourish.

Gentle words are a tree of life; A deceitful tongue crushes the spirit. Proverbs 15:4 NLT

Deceit is a strong word.

It implies an intent to harm someone. An intentional sleight of hand.

Have you been deceived by an advertisement or a friend? Most of us could raise a hand of acknowledgment.

The King James Bible uses the word perverseness, rather than deceitful. These are words spoken to another from a choked-off heart. It does the opposite of providing life to those spoken to.

Gentile has strength too.

Looking again at this verse from Proverbs, notice the words spoken with a gentile heart sprout life to the listener. Such amazing life will grow from these gentile words that Proverbs compares it to a tree of life.

Gentle words are not flattery for flattery’s sake. A web search in Microsoft Word says that gentle words are tender, merciful, and compassionate. This is not speaking a false confidence over someone. But to be kind and caring with your word choices.

It extends to the listener strength for their journey, shelter from their worries, and the ability to stand the test of time.

I believe most of us know how to speak in a gentle way to another.

Do you speak gently or deceitfully to yourself?

How long are you going to regret a decision you made five or ten years ago?

You aren’t perfect and will make bad decisions from time to time. Be merciful with yourself.

Will you stop comparing yourself to others?

God designed you to be a reflection of him, unique to you. Be tender of heart and praise him for it.

Can you let go of a wrong done to you in the past?

We have all been wronged and have done wrong. Holding onto wrongs choke you off from a flourishing joy for today. Being compassionate with yourself by releasing that wrong, will grow deep healthy roots to prosper your todays.



Following your word is not easy. That is probably why you repeat yourself throughout the bible. This verse is not a true revelation. But walking it out is.

Thank you for the mercy, tenderness, and compassion we need, to flourish in our lives and to uplift the spirit of another.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Mercy  Tenderness  Compassion

Are one of these more difficult to extend to yourself or others? Please share in the comments.