Three qualities that help you and others, any day of the week.

The most inexpensive and resilient gift you can give is building someone up with a kind word.

My girls and I, in the mornings, are reading through the book of Proverbs. This is not an easy book to process as there are so many gems to dig into.

For example:


“Commit your actions to the Lord, and your plans will succeed.” (Pr. 16:3 NLT)

A woman holding a Bible with the page open on Proverbs.

Does this stir a desire to have little reminders around your home and work proclaiming, Do this for the Lord, so you keep your focus on him?

Keeping God’s way of doing things at the forefront of our thinking will bring good and right motives to all we do. And, naturally, God gets all the credit for success. Why? Doing things his way is what brought it to be.


“Foolishness brings joy to those with no sense; a sensible person stays on the right path.” (Pr. 15:21 NLT)

Someone making a pot on a pottery weel.

Have people accused you of being too boring or predictable? Perhaps you have thought this about yourself. Please take a deep breath because it has saved you from some wrong decisions. Sensible, according to the 1828 Webster’s Dictionary, means to have “good sense or sound reason.” Being sensible may feel like a lonely place, but you are in good company. Sound decisions are what create stability in our lives.


“Worry weighs a person down; an encouraging word cheers a person up.” (Pr. 12:25 NLT)

Two purple flowers with the background unfocused.

Oh, how I love this verse. It reminds me to stop thinking thoughts that bring worry. And to not bring questions or ideas that might worry someone else about their own life.

I love to encourage people. But, surprisingly, some people do not know how to receive encouragement. Maybe it comes across as fake, or they have heard more words tearing them down in life than building up.

The most inexpensive and resilient gift you can give is building someone up with a kind word.

Your turn!

Do you have a favorite Proverb you would like to share? I would love to read about it in the comments.

A laptop and a pair of glasses on top of a notebook.

What’s buzzing at my keyboard?

An online ministry asked me to submit an article for their magazine. I am putting the finishing touches on the piece this week after some helpful critique.

I will let you know if/when it gets published!


A great gift idea for Christmas, Inspire Christian Writers will be publishing a new anthology at the end of the year. A short story I wrote will appear in it. So be on the lookout! Inspire Anthology – Inspire Christian Writers (

I have found the writing journey is filled with encouraging authors, editors, and creators. I am grateful to have found this community. As you travel the road God is leading you on, I do hope this blog encourages you, as I have been encouraged. If so, please consider sharing it with a friend! Thank you. : )

Until next week, keep Walking on Mustard Seeds,

Michele Marie Weisman

Scripture quotations marked NLT are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright 1996, 2004. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Wheaton, Illinois 60189. All rights reserved.

Photo by Joel Muniz on Unsplash (bible)

Photo by Ales Maze on Unsplash (purple flowers)

Photo by Quino Al on Unsplash (clay)

Photo by Trent Erwin on Unsplash (workspace)

How to leave your struggles behind.

A sad looking man in a cafe looking out the window, the city visible on the glass.

“Then the Lord said to Moses, “Why are you crying out to me?” Tell the people to get moving!” (Exodus 14:15)

Wait, aren’t we suppose to call out to God for help in times of trouble?

God’s people were at the edge of the Red Sea, and the Pharoah’s army was nearing them.

The approaching army filled the Israelites with fear, panicked words, and inaction.

Their situation looked grim, although we have the advantage of knowing how the story ends: The Sea is divided, and they will safely pass through the water and get to the other side.

But first

The instructions came:

“Get moving!”

They had to take one step.

One move.

One action showed they trusted God more than the fear before them. A faith step away from the danger.

This month , we have been praying for those who are addicted to drugs or alcohol in your City. Maybe this has never been a battle for you. But we all struggle with something.


TV/streaming shows





There are many things that lead to the destruction of our time, money, or our bodies. We may never be in danger like the Israelites were, but we face our own battles every day.

Can we simply turn from the looming threat and “Get moving!”? Or is it too much of an ask?

This is the faith part. We turn, showing our trust in God to see us through to the next step.

Once they turned, God gave instructions for Moses to lift the staff that had gotten them out and through so very much.

Hasn’t God gotten you through much? He will get you through even more. He has not quit. He does not faint at what is before you. He is the Way.

God orchestrated a plan for Moses and the people, and he will do the same for you and me. E v e r y time.

We need not worry.

A timelapse photo of a starry night.

But we do worry. God is bigger than every obstacle and holds the solution for us.

One small step in the right direction is what he asks—or shouts. God has lit the way for each of us.

He has a “way” for us, and His provision will come when we “get moving.”

Back to the beginning, now that you know the Way away from your struggles don’t you want to share it?

You can! Share this post with a friend or a neighbor. I am sure they will appreciate it, and I thank you for it.

Father, I am sorry when I only see what frightens or tempts me. What foolishness. I knit my faith to you today, pulling my gaze away from what looms, walking toward your promises, hope, and freedom. Amen

A Celebration Continued!

I am so grateful for the support and encouragement I get from so many of you. A sweet friend and reader send me a note in the mail to congratulate me on one year of blogging. This note was so thoughtful, and all I can say is WOW! I am blessed beyond measure.

A photo of authors laptop with a greeting card from a fan displayed on it and a Duch Bros sticker that says you got this on the laptop.

An Announcement

I have been asked to write an article for an online and in-print magazine. More to follow–once I know more. Would you keep me in prayer as I write the piece for them? Thank you so much!

Until next week, keep Walking on Mustard Seeds,

Michele Marie Weisman

Photo by Antonio DiCaterina on Unsplash (window)

Photo by Patrick McManaman on Unsplash (stars)

Photo by Michele Marie Weisman (Laptop/card)

An Anniversary of choosing Peace over Fear

a black background with pure white clouds.

When I acted unhinged in my childhood, behaving too high and mighty in my words or actions, my parents stumbled that thinking.

They grounded the high-flying behavior.

Sent to my room, wings clipped, my focus eventually turned to want freedom and approval.

I was curious as to what the term ‘grounding’ came from. A google search reveals it may have roots in the term to ground an airplane.

Hands holding a pile of dirt.

Do adults need to be grounded too?

Grounded in God’s word.

“But all who listen to me will live in peace, untroubled by fear of harm.” (Proverbs 1:33 NLT)

Proverbs, in part, tells of Wisdom trying to help us through wise instruction. Listening to her has the promise of peace.

Peace of:




God instructs us to live by his wisdom so that we may live in peace.

Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life? (Matthew 6:27 NIV) If you want a richer understanding of this text, read Matthew 6:25-27.

No matter what is happening around you or to you, God promises you his peace. You have a deposit of peace within you, simply for living by His statutes.

Father, I get caught up in worries and situations that intimidate me. I forget that with you, I always have a guide. You go before me, beside me, and behind me, keeping me sealed up in your perfect love. Thank you.

Happy Anniversary!!!

Okay, yes, it is my blogging anniversary. I would not be able to celebrate it without you! This is official, one solid year of blogging.

a hand holding a clock against a white wall.

There have been many weeks when fear stole my confidence, and I was worried about posting what I sketched together. But, I know God is asking and guiding me to write. So, in obedience, I will continue.

I am also continuing work on the Devotional about praying for your City. The first Thursday of the month is a sampling of guided prayer over your City.

I have enjoyed reviewing Devotionals each month and plan to continue them.

Thank you so much for visiting each week to connect and read my newest post. I appreciate you!

I would love to get the word out about the Devotional I am writing. I see that it can be a prayer movement, gathering people to pray for their individual Cities.

I need your help to do it. Please share my blog and City Devotionals with others.

I firmly believe our prayers can affect our City for the good of all the people in it.

Until next week, keep Walking on Mustard Seeds,

Michele Marie Weisman

Scripture quotations marked (NLT) are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright ©1996, 2004, 2015 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

Scripture quotations marked (NIV) are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide. www.zondervan.comThe “NIV” and “New International Version” are trademarks registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office by Biblica, Inc.™

Photo by Di_An_h on Unsplash  (clock)

Photo by Gabriel Jimenez on Unsplash (earth)

Photo by Gabriel Jimenez on Unsplash  (clouds)


Mistakes by the Dozen

a carton of twelve different colored eggs.

I once purchased organic eggs, dropping them on the blacktop between my cart and blue Jetta.

The other night, I served an undercooked roast at seven in the evening. Pasta anyone?

I lost my wedding band–that story requires more space and is perhaps TMI.

This week, I dropped my gluten-free flour mix onto the kitchen floor. It free floated behind closed cupboards and even the dishwasher door.

My list could go on, and yes, most of my mistakes are involving food. As the above list reveals, two out of four are food related—my poor husband. But as I toss around my past mistakes, I don’t want to choose ones that would bore you–or make me blush.

“Blush,” I say?

Some mistakes are from my clumsiness, my limbs betraying me with eggs or flour. But some of my mistakes are choices to go against God’s perfect laws for living.

Yes, I said laws. Like the law of gravity. The eggs fell, the flour fell, and one time I fell. That one ended in the emergency room–another story for another time.

When I dropped those eggs, they became a mix of broken shells, and yokes staring up at me from their opened carton.

Proverbs 24:16 tells us that we are to get back up after falling, again, and again.

The biggest mistake is not getting up.

If you faint in the day of adversity,
    your strength is small. (Proverbs 24:10 ESV)

strings attached the finger being pulled by a man in a black hoodie.

Who wants us to stay down?

Satan does! He is the biggest lawbreaker of all. He wanted to be bigger and better than God. He holds our mistakes against us, ready to take aim at any time.

But God.

Did you notice in the verse that God says you and I have strength? The Word tells us our “strength” is small if we stumble in times of adversity.

A buff dude.

Picture a bodybuilder. Are they going to faint at lifting a five-pound dumbbell for sixteen reps? No way! That would be silly.

This verse, telling me my strength is weak if I stumble when hard things come, has been a wake-up call for me. Depending on God in all things is a must, but hasn’t he prepared us for today?

I have needed this scriptural vegetable. How bout you?

We need scriptural vegetables.

You’ve got this. I’ve got this. We have a track record of depending on our Creator. He had brought us through much.

We are not like the shells holding in the egg, but like the bodybuilder who has seen many a day building upon our faith.

As for those reminders of your mistakes, we all have them; in God’s view, they are as far as the east is from the west. So let’s stop listening to the lies of Satan and listen to God’s loving truth.

God, thank you for the reminder that I do have strength. Situations can look too big to handle, but I have a long track record of walking by faith. Reveal to me when I am listening to the lies vs listening to what you have called me to. Amen.

Special Announcements!

To my readers, I am so grateful for you. Thank you for returning week after week to see what I have tapped at my keyboard. God has been good and always provided me with some inspiration to share with you.

I am thrilled to tell you two other locations you will be able to read more of my writing.

a picture of the author holding her laptop.

First is an anthology published by Inspire Christian Writers. They are an organization for writers, and they agreed to publish a short fiction piece I submitted to them. The release of the Anthology is December of 2022.

I just signed the contract today! Digitally, of course. : )

Second, I was asked by a company located in the United Kingdom to write a post for their blog. It is a lovely company that promotes being used by God, and in doing so, it benefits a couple of charities they support, all by selling Christian swag! Clothing that helps start a conversation about Jesus!

And, they have provided a discount code for my readers! If you want to be one of the first to hear more about them and get the discount code, drop me a note in the comments. I will email you the information. (The discount code is for a limited time.)

(I will let you know when my post goes live– very soon!)

Thank you for stopping by. : )

Until next week, keep Walking on Mustard Seeds,

Michele Marie Weisman

“Scripture quotations are from The ESV® Bible (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®), copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.”

Photo by Kelly Neil on Unsplash (eggs)

Photo by Amirr Zolfaqari on Unsplash (string)

Photo by Anastase Maragos on Unsplash (bodybuilder)

12 encouraging promises & why they matter.

A small notebook that reads "Come to me, all of you who are tired from carrying heavy loads, and I will give you rest.

Worry weighs a person down; an encouraging word cheers a person up. (Proverbs 12:25 NLT)

Stay humble and know God cares for you. (Psalm 138:6)

Gentle words inspire, so be gentle with your thoughts about yourself. (Proverbs 15:4)

God’s thoughts about you are valuable and too many to count. (Psalm 139:17)

You do not fear the morning, afternoon, or evening news reports. (Psalm 112:7a)

You can have the assurance that God’s attention is on you. (Psalm 112:7b)

God’s Word is a guide for you. (Psalm 119:105, 48:14, 32:8)

God has rest for you. (Psalm 127:2b)

God is yours, forever. (Psalm 48:14)

You have strength and courage when your hope lives in God. (Psalm 31:24)

When no one else can hear you, God does and responds. (Psalm 31:22)

God is protecting you. (Psalm 3:3)

God has made you strong. (Psalm 148:14)

Cubes spelling out thank you.

God, Thank you for guiding, protecting, hearing, seeing, caring, and thinking about me. I am undone, realizing your care for me. Multiple ways you pour goodness into my life, and I fail you daily. My words and actions so easily fall short, yet, your Word stands, encouraging and humbling me. Thank you. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

It is your turn!

Encourage someone and see their outlook change! (Psalm 12:25) Did this post encourage you or lightened your load? If it did, share it with someone you know. Thank you!

What promise speaks to your heart? Please share it in the comments.

Until next week, keep Walking on Mustard Seeds!

Michele Marie Weisman

Scripture quotations marked (NLT) are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright ©1996, 2004, 2015 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

Photo by Miriam G on Unsplash (scripture)

Photo by Courtney Hedger on Unsplash (Thank you)

Why I am thanking God for you.

… there is no new thing under the sun. (Ecclesiastes 1:9 KJV) Or is there?

A sunrise.

… there is no new thing under the sun. (Ecclesiastes 1:9 KJV)

Or is there?

When I was a child, I remember a Sunday teaching comparing apples and oranges. The idea was that not everyone likes oranges, and thus it was impossible to be liked by everyone. And apples were liked by some who did not like oranges.

Check! Understood by my school-age self.

Mulling over that sermon, I asked myself, “Why do I want so badly to be liked by everyone?”

Fast forward a few decades, and the growing need to be liked has become a cultural obsession. It is more akin to the overgrown ivy I have had to battle at our newish abode. Thick vines grip and wrap the tree trunks. On the cooler weekends, I am up early, pulling, prying, and cutting away its invasive growth.

A tree covered in vines Infront of a fence with the authors cat Happy behind the tree,

(Can you find our cat in the above photo?)

Nobody shows their mess, so why am I?

Because we must drag, push, and expose to the light what is choking the life out of us.

Wanting to be liked, noticed, and accepted is nothing new. It has affected generation after generation.

What is the solution? Change your view!

How are you unique? I know, in some Christian circles, this idea can be frowned up and quickly hushed. We just won’t invite those to this conversation.

The Uniqueness of you!

Your fingerprints

Your DNA

Your dreams (Psalm 37:4)

Your purpose (Jeremiah 29:11)

Your spiritual gift (1 Corinthians 12:7)

The way you love others (1 John 4:12)

The way you serve people (1 Corinthians 12:7)

Are you feeling untangled from the overgrown vines of comparison?

Is there something new under the sun? Yes! You, me, your neighbours, your family, your friends.

You were created with a purpose and on purpose. But why?

To reveal the goodness of God to this generation. (The above verses will reveal this more clearly.)

You are not comparable, and neither is anyone that you know. So please, put down the cross of comparison.

Like the orange and apple that I began this blog post with, we can not be everything to everyone. No one is designed by God to fill that role.

God created you, dear reader, to uniquely reflect his great love for those around you.

Who are you in step with?

God has an easier way, being led by the Holy Spirit.

Photo by Michele Marie Weisman

If we live by the Spirit, let us also keep in step with the Spirit. (Galatians 5:25 ESV)

Walking my dogs can get us into knots. Sammy, pictured left, likes to walk before me on the left. Brady always walks on the right side of Sammy. Why? Sammy lifts his left leg to pee at random times.

No warning.


Lift and pee.

No other training would have taught Brady so quickly to stay to Sammy’s right.

Brady occasionally loops behind my legs, coming up to my right, his lead draped behind my legs. This is the perfect positioning for an accident should he decide to run, pulling me forward.

If Brady remains in his forward right position, with Sammy to the left, we can have a relaxing walk taking in sights, sounds, and smells.

This is the easier way.

God, too, has an easier way, being led by the Holy Spirit.

Choosing the guidance of the Holy Spirit may sound like you don’t have control. Rather, it is realizing that God directs the Holy Spirit in everything true and right.

Jesus left for us the Holy Spirit to help us at any time. Scripture tells us the Holy Spirit does only what God wills. Does that sound like another scripture about every good and perfect gift is from above?

If the Holy Spirit will only provide to us what is God’s perfect will, I think he would be the perfect walking partner today and every day.

Is there a space in your life you can lean in and trust the guidance of the Holy Spirit a little more?

God, I am sorry when I get tied up in my plans. May I seek first your perfect wisdom and guidance through the Holy Spirit in all I do.


Until next week, Keep Walking on Mustard Seeds,

Michele Marie Weisman

PS My appologies for the post being a day late. I am grateful to say I have some other projects I am working on, along with my weekly posts here. Please stay tuned! And have a blessed 4th of July weekend with your friends and family.

“Scripture quotations are from The ESV® Bible (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®), copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.”

Image by Igor Ovsyannykov from Pixabay (rope)

Image by Gordon Johnson from Pixabay (cross)

Why Walking on Mustard Seeds?

What does scripture say about faith the size of a mustard seed?

Photo by Michele Marie Weisman

I have never told you the inspiration for my blog’s name. As a writer, I struggle most with titles and headlines, so this blog name took a LONG percolation.

And what does walking on top of mustard seeds accomplish?

Can I first tell you a story about me?

When I was twenty, I planned a trip to Ireland. I had dreams of a summer studying and meeting family. One of those did NOT occur, but the better one did. (This is a story for another time.)

As I planned, I began to trust God in the details.

  • I asked for a raise at work to save money for the vacation. (This was scary to do.)
  • I researched all I could about Ireland and the places I would go. (Would my research be enough? FYI. There were only book stores and libraries at that time for researching.)
  • I wrote, by postal mail, to my relatives the dates I would be in their area. (They did not write back! Oh, what did this mean?)
  • I purchased all the travel things that were suggested and more. (This weighed down my luggage. Ug!)

The year of planning and praying paid off. The trip was a great adventure.

I did not prepare for what would happen when I returned. I became faith-less. I still believed in God, but I was nervous and second-guessing everything.

I was sharing with friends about this loss of faith. One of them asked me if I had heard about the faith of a mustard seed. I had not. She began to tell me that all I ever need is faith equivalent to the size of a mustard seed.

What? How could this be? A mustard seed is so tiny. But this bit of knowledge was all I needed to reignite my faith-walk.

I have heard a million times that faith will avail nothing without acting on it.

Let’s say I land a job interview but don’t show up at the appointed time? No faith walked out equals no job.

What does Scripture say about faith the size of a mustard seed?

Christ is quoted five times in Scripture, referring to having or not having faith the size of a mustard seed. They are:

Matthew 13:31-32

Matthew 17:19-20

Mark 4:30-32

Luke 13:18-19

Luke 17:5-6

Three of these selections are about having a faith that grows and supports something beyond our ability. (Growing trees so larch birds can build their nests in them.) The other two imply that the words of our prayers are fulfilled by the power with which they come. (No, you or me, but by God.)

With those two facts in hand, our little mustard-sized faith will outshine us each and every time, pointing to God and his goodness. And hopefully, a giddiness in us, playing a small part in His plans.

Do you need to step out in faith today? I hope the visual of the mustard seed on my lapel in the top photo helps encourage you!

Our tiny faith planted, or trusted within God, can bring forth a testimony to grow anothers’ faith.

Until next week, keep Walking on Mustard Seeds!

Michele Marie Weisman

Image by Ryan Morrison from Pixabay (less than symbol)

Image by congerdesign from Pixabay  (flowers)

Are you missing a beat?

Let your heart be not troubled… (John 14:1a KJV)

Do you feel like you are missing a beat, simply out of step from what is happening around you? I remember feeling this way in Junior High daily. Does anyone feel instep at that age of development?

Being out of pace with others and your own life brings the feeling of loneliness.

When isolation settles in our hearts and minds, worry and fear take control of reason. Jesus tells us in the book of John, chapter 14, to not fret in our hearts. The heart is a vital organ. It keeps our blood pumping and is where passions and dreams can grow. If we allow troubles to grow in our hearts unchecked, we affect more than we realize. (Psalm 37:3-5)*

…ye believe in God, believe also in me.” (John 14:1b KJV)

We all struggle with fear, worry, and living God’s will. If that were not true, the Bible would not address these topics again and again. If I am gripped by fear and worry, I can’t get my will in line with God’s will and purpose for me today.

He knows we need the reminder, encouragement, and guidance to remain focused on His promises.

How do you realign your heart with God’s heart? By turning to Him. We can start simply, authentically, and spontaneously with prayer. Jesus often went to meet with the Father in prayer, and so should we.


Your word comes with promises. Too many to count. I am sorry that worry has kept the opportunity of your promises from me. I apologize for when I do not delight, trust, or commit my ways to you. Strengthen me in these areas.


*I am referencing Psalm 37, citing specific promises for our commitment in attitude and deed to the Lord.

Until next week, keep Walking on Mustard Seeds!

Michele Marie Weisman

Image by Kranich17 from Pixabay  (Heart/rain)

Image by Ulrike Leone from Pixabay (Puppies)

Image by ha11ok from Pixabay (gold heart)

What’s puzzling you, and what is the answer?

I play Sudoku, do you? I enjoy the puzzles, but getting stuck on ones not labeled as easy, I turned to YouTube searching for tutorials on Sudoku. I found an English gentleman who gives great tips and explanations to sleuth out the correct placement of the numbers one through nine. Unfortunately, I still get stuck once in a while, so I should run back to his channel and brush up on some of his advanced tips.

All that to say, I got stuck last week. I did not post to my blog, and I apologize for that. I am consistently learning my craft of writing and aim to not fall short again. But I am human. I read books on the craft of writing, listen to podcasts, and study blog posts. All about the work, art, craft, creativity, devotion, love, grammar, and follow-through of writing.

Is there a time you did not follow through on something? Post in the comments. It would help me and perhaps others to hear your story. : )

How did I get hit with what is commonly referred to as writers’ block? Confidence. Or lack of.

After studying a chapter on craft, I completed one of the assignments. Re-read a previous piece of my work with the chapter’s new insight about writing. As I read a prior blog post, my insides did what the wicked witch did when water was doused upon her. My confidence, purpose, and strength melted away.

…my brothers who went up with me made the heart of the people melt; yet I wholly followed the Lord my God. (Joshua 14:8 ESV)

I am back. How and why? Writing is what I am supposed to do. You may like my writing, or you might not. Writing is what I do. It is my sweet spot. Where my truest joy in life resides. (I am currently working on a submission piece. I will let you know how that turns out when I, too, know.)

What are you doing when joy comes alive in you? (Share in the comments!)

For the righteous falls seven times and rises again, but the wicked stumble in times of calamity. (Proverbs 24:16 ESV)

We are never off the hook from our gifting and calling in life. My signature verse from Romans chapter eleven says it all, For the gifts and the calling of God are irrevocable. (ESV) Irrevocable means you can’t change, alter, or switch your calling. It is yours for life.

Whether you are into puzzles, we are made to get back up again. To rework and look at the puzzle from a different angle and perhaps with new information. Also, we are to use the gift we are given. I like Sudoku, and others like crosswords. What puzzles draw you in?

How do we stay on task with our puzzles when we fail or forget there is no way out of this calling?

No Comparisons

There are other writers in this world. Duh, right? I am not to compare myself to them, but I can learn from them and be inspired by them. I am NOT to think less of another’s writing to feel better about my own.

You can fill in the blank for your own comparisons:

There are other _______ in this world. I am not to compare myself to them, but I can learn from them and be inspired by them. I am NOT to think less of another’s _______ to feel better about myself.

No procrastination

Enemy number one! Procrastination.

If I never get started, I can never fail…to the world. But inside, I am failing myself and God.

Oh, but if I begin! If I write for ten minutes, joy will come. Then, the door opens to my creativity, and my abilities are strengthened.

Let’s have another fill-in-the-blank for your area of procrastination.

If I never get started, I can never fail…to the world. But inside, I am failing myself and God.

Oh, but if I begin! If I _______ for ten minutes, joy will come. Then, the door opens to my creativity/skill, and my abilities are strengthened.

No excuses

Excuses are the home run and the grand slam of not getting up again. We influence those we know, and people follow what we do or don’t do. It is a fact. Look at your family line or circle of friends. Not everything inherited is through your DNA. We don’t have the friends we do simply because we have a history together or have fun and feel comfortable with each other.

There is something deeper at play. Friends and family encourage us to remain who we are. We each have good and strong parts to our character. But are there areas where we can help each other grow stronger, wiser, and in the direction God calls us to? Or do we help them find excuses, so can we make our own excuses too?

Wow! I just went there.

Let’s have one last fill-in-the-blank for both of us. You already know what my answers will be. : )

When I look at my day, where do I overlook or misuse my time so that I don’t have time to _______? What am I doing instead of_______?

Think of a cow with milk for her calf. Would she wander away from her calf thinking, maybe it is not good enough for my child? Am I really supposed to use my milk to feed my darling calf? NO! That would be silly.

It is just as silly to see ourselves shirking and shrinking away from God’s call and purpose within us.

The problem is we think we know what is best. Is the cow behaving better than us when we are procrastinating? If you don’t like the idea of a cow, for example, look to any animal species. God has hard-wired them to do the job they need to for survival. (Some animals do eat their young…but let’s stick to the topic.)

Can you set aside the poor form of comparison, procrastination, and excuses for today? For ten minutes? Joy will meet you. God’s call will summon you to return for more. Your friends and family will cheer you on. And your slumber will be the sweeter for fulfilling your calling for this day.

Until next week, Keep Walking on Mustard Seeds,

Michele Marie Weisman

“Scripture quotations are from The ESV® Bible (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®), copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.”

Image by Steve Buissinne from Pixabay [crossword]
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay [support]
Image by Tumisu from Pixabay [boy]
Image by UnifiArt from Pixabay [cow]