Post 3 of 12*
Jesus praying to his Father:
“I have revealed you to them…Then your love for me will be in them, and I will be in them.” John 17:26 NLT
Is prayer the model for change?
This love Christ is talking about means you won’t become easily angered or discouraged. Yet, if you look at your city, town, or village, there are reasons to become angered or discouraged.
Are there not?
So what are you to do? Pretend that what is wrong is not wrong?
No. Never.
Examples are a great place to start:
Jonah was called by God to warn some horrible people about their doom. If you recall, he was dismayed God wanted to offer a second chance to this community.
How did rebellion turn out for Jonah? Sunk at sea in the belly of a whale.
You are not called to judge who or what situations are worthy of prayer. Only God can judge the heart. [1 Samuel 16:7]
What are you to do with frustration?
“I am praying not only for these disciples but also for all who will ever believe in me through their message.” John 17:20 NLT
God is not surprised by what he is calling you to. You are his adopted children, ambassadors, and friends. [Galations 4:4-5; 2 Corinthians 5:20; John 15:15]
Walk neither by your thoughts or desires of how things ought to be. Be led by your love from God and by your love for Christ.
Jesus prayed for those he taught and also believed his message. And he prayed for you. If you did not catch that fact, re-read verse twenty above.
He prayed for you and for me. He knew what our sins would be, yet he chose to pray. He had compassion for you. Even…knowing what he still had to do.
Are you grateful Jonah was not the one praying for you?
If humbleness does not remove the frustration, what will?
Jesus still had to face the cross when he prayed for all who would come to believe.
Jesus’ prayer was not light and sweet. It was a ground-turning idea. God’s love, through Christ, is in us, so God’s promise of grace can be revealed through us. Think about that for a minute. (It might help to read the entire prayer in John chapter 17.)
Prayer is not passive. You don’t get in shape by sitting on the couch.
Prayer is work that gives birth to answers. #prayeriswork
In Summary:
We have a heart for prayer because the Father’s love is in us.
Thank you for praying for me and revealing the Father’s heart. I am humbled by your compassion and sacrifice.
Show me where I don’t recognize your love in me.
Show me a situation or a person to pray for this week, local to me. That I may pray for wisdom and provision in their life.
If their situation breaks my heart help me to pray for them each time I think of them.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Do you believe Christ prayed for you so you could pray for others? Then be brave and invite someone to pray along with you.
This post is part 3 in a 12-part series, posted the first Thursday of every month. This is a sampling of a six-year prayer ministry I started one prayer at a time, over a specific city. Please join us each month, as we look at scriptural ways we are called to and can pray for the people in our city.
Want to catch up? Click on the links below.
Post #1/12
Post #2/12
For this post: Scripture quotations are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright ©1996, 2004, 2015 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.
Wow, we are in Jesus’ prayers with purpose and a goal. That should put an end to all our worrying.
I love that perspective Dianne! Thanks for sharing it.