9 things fear steals and how you can recover them.

fruit of the Spirit
Image by press 👍 and ⭐ from Pixabay

This week, I realized fear was stealing some important promises in my life.

If you want to skip down to the bottom of this post, to pray the prayer I used to regain the nine promises, go for it. If you would like to ponder the thinking process that brought on this reflective prayer, then read on. 😊

I hope you want to know what fear is stealing from you. But more so, I offer you a way back to what the megaphone of fear has stolen. The news, adverting, and the social media epidemic of comparisons echo anxiety into the chambers of the human heart.

Why reclaiming what fear steals stollen is important? (Because there are 4 chambers of the heart, I will list 4 reasons to turn your back on fear.)

1. Fear is not healthy for our body.

2. Fear is exhausting.

3. Fear brings out the worst in people.

4. Fear is not from God. (1 John 4:18)

Fears that most are experiencing within the past two years:

Fear of war.

Fear of Covid-19.

Fear of inflation.

Commonly known fears:

Fear of public speaking.

Fear of large groups.

Fear of heights.

Fear of spiders.

Fear of small spaces.

Fear of dogs.

Fear of cats…yes this is true. I had a neighbor once who was terrified of cats.

Lesser-known fears.

Fear of certain foods.

Fear of colors.

Fear of holidays.

Fear of emotions.

(Some of the fears listed do require medical help. I am not addressing panic attacks or anything that requires medical treatment.)

I am looking at fear from the perspective of what it steals.

The fruit of the Spirit.

In Galatians chapter five, there is a list of nine things, known as the fruit of the Spirit. They are:










I am often caught short when I realize I have not had self-control or patience or missed an opportunity to show goodness to someone.

Have you ever found yourself lacking in one of these? If you are feeling brave, please share in the comments.

fruit of the Spirit
Image by Vinson Tan ( 楊 祖 武 ) from Pixabay

When I live with a heart fully in awe and fear of not pleasing God, the four chambers of my heart seem to relax and be righted within me.


I am sorry my fears have kept me from:

loving others better,

having joy from my days,

peace in my thoughts,

 opportunities to be patient and kind toward others,

being good and faithful to others,

and I am sorry that fear produces a lack of self-control in areas where I am weakest.


4 thoughts on “9 things fear steals and how you can recover them.”

  1. Comparison is the thief of joy. – Theodore Roosevelt
    and from his cousin:
    We have nothing to fear but fear itself. – Franklin D. Roosevelt

    Those pretty well sum it up. Since God made each one of us unique, there is no point to comparison, which just makes us feel inadequate or like failures. We’re each on our own personal journey, or we’re each on a different rung of the ladder. Who are we to question where God has placed us at any given time? If He knows our hearts are soft for Him, we have nothing to fear.

    The enemy breeds fear in us for it serves his purpose. We must remember to kick him in the butt when he butts in: “Get behind me, Satan!”

  2. So true sister Michele. Fear is crippling the body of Christ from doing much of the work that Christ would have us do. So glad you after pointing this out and possibly helping people break through fear!

I would love to hear from you! Say unto others as you would have them say unto you.